The Basement

Welcome to the Underground!

the cool kids club

Here in the basement, you can find rooms dedicated to all kinds of cool stuff that are useful for daily life, being online, and sticking it to the man.

Really it's mostly stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, but stuff that I want to share anyway.

Also, let it be known that I am by no means an expert on any of the linked topics. Nor can I corroborate every source I link to. I try to vet them as best I can, but do take it all with a grain of salt. And if you see something that needs correcting, please let me know!

Have fun! Stay safe!


Back Upstairs - return to home screen

Become a Pirate - online piracy

Against the Machine - rebelling against the rich bastards

Adulting 101 - tips and tricks for navigating adulthood

Surfing the Web - online safety and protecting yourself

The Bar - mixed drinks recipies

Vulture Culture - bones and bone collecting